Spicy Red Coleslaw

Spicy Red Coleslaw garnished with finely chopped young beetroot leaves

A brightly coloured and warming salad with ‘bright’ spicy tastes. Make it as  warm or hot as you like with pinches of cayenne pepper. Beetroots at the farmers’ market come in bunches at the moment with their fresh crunchy young leaves. I chopped up a few of the smaller leaves with their stalks as a garnish as you can see, but you could chop some leaves and stalks quite finely and make a whole salad out of them, as you would with lettuce. The coleslaw keeps well in the fridge and is good to have along with green salads and […] Read more »

Why Raw?

Thank you Martin for this question that is as important as it is brief! The brief answer is that there is more life force in it. From the point of view of how I and many others, experience life when eating plenty of raw food (raw vegan food that is – not raw meat, which I would not fancy) is that I have a stronger life force, more energy, greater resilience and more of a spring in my step. It’s those kinds of expression that point to the experience. On raw food I am more likely to run up the […] Read more »

Strawberry Mousse

A summer treat

This is a light mousse with no dairy, just strawberries, the magical creamy thickening ingredient avocado, and perhaps something to add sweetness. As with any fruit dish, it will only be as good as the quality of fruit used. This  dessert is delicious made with very ripe flavourful strawberries and if you can find some ripe wild strawberries do add them for another dimension of flavour. If you use stevia herb extract, make sure it is pure and not mixed with other questionable sweeteners or fillers. See Good raw recipes for more about stevia and other sweet ingredients. Serves 4 […] Read more »

Is there a half-way plan using the most beneficial raw foods alongside others?

Thank you for your question Sheryl. I have been thinking about what a half-way plan might mean. If you want to get from Lands End to John O’Groats then, as the crow flies, just north of Leeds would be half way. I’m teasing a little, but making a serious point – that it depends on where you are and where you want to get to. Is half way far enough? If I were a doctor prescribing two tablets a day and you took only one, you would probably not expect to get the same results. However I am not a […] Read more »